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Need to correct, cancel, or update an existing locate ticket? If so, Gopher State One Call (GSOC) offers two ways for excavators to reprocess tickets, online or by phone! 

After an excavator files a locate request with ITIC, GSOC emails them a record copy that includes a specialized MapLINK (labeled “HERE”) to their information. This link provides immediate online access to all of an excavator’s tickets (historical and current) and includes a map of the excavation site and utility notification list. Clicking the link connects users to Excavator Ticket Management (ETM), an online ticket archive. ETM is a handy tool to use to correct, cancel, or update a ticket without logging into ITIC or calling GSOC. If you prefer to call us to reprocess a ticket, feel free to contact the notification center at 811, or on our direct lines at 651-454-0002 for the Twin Cities metro, or 800-252-1166 for the Greater MN area. 

There are three types of reprocess tickets1: Correction, Cancellation, and Update. Keep reading to learn about the differences between the three ticket types!

Correction: Request a Correction to an existing ticket if you need to correct minor information, such as the field contact name or phone number. A Correction cannot be used for changes to the street address of the work site and/or marking instructions. The ticket number will not be changed.

Cancellation: Submit a Cancellation request for an existing ticket if you no longer plan on performing the excavation or need the ticket. If you have provided your email address, you will receive a copy of the cancelled ticket. The cancelled ticket will have the same ticket number as the original ticket and will be labeled “Cancellation”. 

Update: Submit an Update to an existing ticket if you want to:

  1. Make edits to an existing ticket that includes changes to the street address of the work site and/or marking instructions. You must notify GSOC at least 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, before any type of excavation can begin. This updated ticket will be labeled with the appropriate ticket type, such as “Normal, Meet, etc.”
  2. Extend the life of a ticket past 14 days. You must notify GSOC at least 48 hours (excluding day of call/submission, weekends and holidays), before the expiration date and time on the current ticket. You should clearly request new markings or state that no new markings are needed. This updated ticket will be labeled “Update.” A new ticket number will be issued.
  3. Request to refresh the marks in the field. If the markings are not visible, or you have reason to believe the markings are incorrect, you must notify GSOC at least 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, before any type of excavation can begin. All tickets requesting a refresh of marks in the field will be issued a new GSOC ticket number, and the original ticket number will be included on the ticket for reference.

GSOC has streamlined how users can reprocess their tickets, so test out ETM for yourself from the convenience of your electronic device! Feel free to also contact us to ask any questions and to reprocess a ticket over the phone by calling the notification center at 811, or on our direct lines at 651-454-0002 for the Twin Cities metro, or 800-252-1166 for the Greater MN area.

Source1: GSOC Handbook

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