
News + Events

MN Home & Garden Show Discount

MHGS20 300x250 ExhibitorPromoCode GOPHER

The GSOC booth is #1348. Stop by and grab some free promo items! And don't miss our "Call Before You Dig" garden display at #1218.
Wednesday, February 26 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, February 27 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Friday, February 28 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday, February 29 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sunday, March 1 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

When Should I Use a Meet Ticket?

Normal vs Meet Tickets 2020

With snowfall, frost and routine melts paired with early spring rain, keeping locate marks fresh during the coming months means filing multiple remark requests just to complete one project—or does it? We’d like to inform you that there’s actually an easier way and one that uses locating resources more efficiently.

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How to Submit Precise Marking Instructions on Your Ticket and Mark the Excavation Area in White

Gopher State One Call wants you to have a safe and successful excavation process. Providing precise marking instructions is a critical step to ensuring a smooth locate by assisting the locator to work more efficiently and effectively. After providing the general location of a proposed excavation via the address or corresponding driving directions, you’ll be asked to include specific details and instructions about the area you need marked. These details are required for precise marking instructions.

To allow the facility operator to fully understand the jobsite, use the marking instructions section of your ticket to enter detailed information about the excavation site. Think ahead about how best to describe any specific needs or situations that a facility operator or locator may need to know.

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2019 Ticket Volume and Ticket Seasonality

Gopher State One Call annually compiles its ticket submission and transmission volumes. Information like this is shared to help make a correlation between one call center ticket and/or transmission volume to damages or events that have occurred. Receiving ticket and transmission volumes from one call centers allows stakeholders to review more accurate projections and to determine the cause and possible solutions for damages to subsurface installations.1


We can glean a lot of interesting information from reading our one call notification center data, including identifying digging patterns. This chart from our 2019 review shows the amount of tickets we received throughout the year and lists each ticket type.

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‘Learn From the Unexpected’ with Gopher State One Call

Back on December 6, we hinted at a new social media campaign we were working on with our Chief Operations Officer, Barb Cederberg. We’re proud to announce our latest project: Learn From the Unexpected.

What is Learn From the Unexpected? It’s a Facebook campaign that invites members of the excavation community to share stories so the industry can work smarter and stay safe. Tell GSOC about a time when you were on the job and encountered something you didn’t expect. How did you resolve it, and what was the end result?

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ITIC'S New Interface Webinar

10/16/2024 - 10/16/2024

ITIC'S New Interface Webinar

10/23/2024 - 10/23/2024

ITIC'S New Interface Webinar

10/30/2024 - 10/30/2024

